Temporalis: an open source software for dynamic LCA *************************************************** .. image:: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/bfyb3bs48fnkful3?svg=true :target: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/cardosan78214/brightway2-temporalis :alt: bw2temporalis appveyor build status .. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/bitbucket/cardosan/brightway2-temporalis/badge.svg?branch=default :target: https://coveralls.io/bitbucket/cardosan/brightway2-temporalis?branch=default :alt: Test coverage report .. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/temporalis/badge/?version=latest :target: http://temporalis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest :alt: Documentation Status .. image:: http://joss.theoj.org/papers/108a56e9f836889147df096754d4a3e7/status.svg :target: http://joss.theoj.org/papers/108a56e9f836889147df096754d4a3e7 :alt: JOSS link An open source library for the `Brightway2 LCA calculation framework `_ that allows for a specific kind of dynamic life cycle assessments. `Source code is available on bitbucket `_, and `documentation is available on read the docs `_. Temporalis allows to perform dynamic LCA and take into account time in both inventory and impact assessment. It makes use of `graph traversal `_ and `convolution `_ to solve the inventory and makes it possible to use several types of impact assessment methods, both static and dynamic. Temporalis has the following abilities: * Exchanges (technosphere inputs, and biosphere outputs) can be offset in time. * Individual exchanges can be split into multiple time steps, creating a temporal distribution for each exchange. * Inventory datasets can be given either relative or absolute dates and times. * Characterization factors can vary as a function of time. * Characterization factors can spread impact over time. However, it has the following limitations: * Inventory datasets cannot change their inputs as a function of time (i.e. are time invariant). This limitation is necessary for the graph traversal to converge. * Exchanges must be linear, as in normal matrix-based LCA. The article `Temporalis, a generic method for dynamic Life Cycle Assessment` (which is unfortunately still under review....) explains very nicely the methodology behind the software. `This repo `_ contains the jupyter notebooks with the analysis performed with some nice real usage examples of the software. See also the `demonstration notebooks `_ and the `examples `_. Installation ============ The best way to install Temporalis is by using `conda `_ The safest is to first `install brightway2 `_ and within the same conda environment run .. ~.. code-block:: bash .. ~ .. ~ conda install -y -c conda-forge -c cmutel -c haasad -c cardosan bw2temporalis .. ~ .. ~You can also install directly Temporalis as above, also its dependencies are installed .. ~ .. ~Temporalis can be installed also via pip from `PyPI `_ . .. code-block:: bash pip install bw2temporalis which will also install all its dependencies Python version support ====================== Python 3.5, and 3.6. License ======= BSD 3-clause. See the file `LICENSE.txt `_ for details. Additional Resources ==================== Temporalis is a package extension of the advanced life cycle assessment framework Brightway2 which you should to use it. Here you can further info about it: - https://bitbucket.org/cmutel/brightway2 (Brightway2 repo) - https://brightwaylca.org/ (Brightway2 online documentation) - https://github.com/PoutineAndRosti/Brightway-Seminar-2017 (good starting point for learning Brightway2) Authors ======= - Giuseppe Cardellini (giuseppe.cardellini@gmail.com) - Chris Mutel (cmutel@gmail.com) Contributing ============ Any constructive contributions, bug reports, pull requests (both code and documentation), suggestions for improvements etc. is welcome. Just follow the `contribution guidelines `_ or take :ref:`contact` with the developers. Code of conduct =============== Temporalis follows the `Contributor Covenant `__. See the file `CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md `_ for details. .. _contact: Contacts ======== - Write an email to Giuseppe Cardellini (giuseppe.cardellini@gmail.com) or `open an issue `_ on the bitbucket page of Temporalis. Table of contents ================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 strategy traversal formats issues gotcha changes technical